
Go Live!

Live video became one of the most popular types of content online in the past year. Not only are Instagram Live and Facebook Live thriving – with one in five Facebook videos being live streams and 1 million Instagram users watching live video every day – but other platforms such as Twitter, YouTube, and most recently even LinkedIn, have all jumped on the live video trend too. 

For many people and industries, live video has been the saviour of 2020 due to the convenience, relatability, and accessibility it provides. From Facebook live and TikTok to Instagram Live & Instagram Reels, it’s proving to be the best way to capture the attention of your social audience as It seems to make the audience feel more involved – as if they can influence or be a part of the action as opposed to passively watching it. It’s more in the moment and appeals to that deep need we have for instant gratification.


Video is 50x More Likely to Get Organic Ranking than Plain Text Results

A study from Forrester Research reveals video is 50 times more likely to achieve organic page ranks in Google than plain text results. Part of this is because there is less competition among video than there is plain text, so it’s easier to rank well with video. On average, video content had an 11,000 to 1 chance of making it to the first page on Google, which doesn’t sound that impressive. But, in comparison to the 500,000 to 1 odds of the same for text-based content, it becomes much more attractive.